Summary of research project and observations from the Cranbrook Summer Tour.
Provided by Morgan Robinson, student
Wendy Gardner presented the current research going on at the Thompson Rivers University that
is related to range at this year’s summer tour. Wendy is my supervisor, and we introduced the
Honour’s Project that I am working on this summer. I am looking at the response of Spotted
Knapweed to various management treatments using herbicide, weed whacking, and hand
pulling at Red Hill in Lac Du Bois. I will be writing a thesis and presenting my findings in April
2024. I didn’t get to present my results this year at the PNW section 2023 summer tour but
would love to present my findings at next years BC Chapter or PNW Chapter.The PNW Section summer tour in Cranbook BC was such a valuable experience for a summer
student, as I was able to get a glance into what a career in range might look like. The tour
touched on many topics, really showcasing the various layers that come with range
management. It was a great learning opportunity, and I was able to meet people that share the
same passion!