PNW-SRM Information

2019 PNW SRM Summer Workshop, Cache Creek, BC, June 25-27

2019 PNW SRM Summer Workshop, Cache Creek, BC

Rangelands and Wildfire: Responding to issues arising from the 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

Online registration is now open for the  PNW Section Summer Meeting and Symposium scheduled for June 25 to 27, 2019 in Cache Creek, British Columbia, a town located at a historic transportation junction with its roots dating back to the Gold Rush days. Cache Creek is located about 1-hour west of Kamloops and was impacted by the 2017 Elephant Hill wildfire which burned 191,865 ha and resulted in the evacuation of the entire town. The tour will include stops and discussion on multiple topics including: 1) trees versus grass – how to address this debate post fire, 2) burn severity maps – calibration of these maps and their role in post-fire planning (forestry, grazing, seeding etc.), 3) hydrology – issues relating to soil erosion, water quality and reclamation, and 4) grazing post fire – the challenges regarding animals returning to the range.