Reflections from Spokane, WA
Written by Jacob McDougal, student at OSU The Society for Range Management’s annual event, held this year from February 9–11in Spokane, Washington, was by far
To promote ways to maintain or enhance the integrity of the ecological community critical to the watersheds, plants, animals & people that depend on rangelands for their sustenance.
The International Society for Range Management is the professional scientific society and conservation organization whose members study, conserve, manage and sustain the varied resources of the rangelands which include prairie, shrublands, woodlands, and savannahs.
The Pacific Northwest Section strives for properly functioning ecosystems providing for sustainability of watersheds, plants, animals and people. Our goal is to maintain a high degree of professionalism among the membership through workshops, symposia, written materials and training sessions.
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Written by Jacob McDougal, student at OSU The Society for Range Management’s annual event, held this year from February 9–11in Spokane, Washington, was by far
Hugh Barrett, former PNW Section President, visited with John Buckhouse recently and provides us with this account. John Buckhouse Hi,I got back last night after
Sarah Peters of the BC Chapter has forwarded the news of the passing of Keith Carroll. Keith was much appreciated for his work as Range