PNW-SRM Awards

Exemplary Service Award 2000: Robert J. Leonard

Robert J. (Bob) Leonard represents the best in what we have come to view as a dedicated professional, a tireless worker and force for good in the PNW Section.

After earning degrees from Oregon State College (botany) and Utah State College (rangeland watershed management), Bob worked for the USFS and the US Bureau of Reclamation. After he retired, he put in ten years with the Noxious Weed Control Board of Grant County, WA.

Serving SRM since 1951, Bob has worked in many positions but may be best known for his dedication to the Budget Committee. Equally impressive, however is his creative work in providing the Section with its artistic award plaques over the past decades.

Bob Leonard is the epitome of the dedicated professional. He works in any capacity that will be of service. He works quietly, efficiently and effectively. His products are always creative, attractive and functional. Bob, we owe you a lot! Thank you.