2019 PNW SRM Summer Meeting, Cache Creek, BC, June 25-27

Rangelands and Wildfire: Responding to issues arising from the 2017 and 2018 wildfire seasons in the Cariboo-Chilcotin The PNW Section Summer Meeting and Symposium will be held June 25 to 27, 2019 in Cache Creek, British Columbia, a town located at a historic transportation junction with its roots dating back to the Gold Rush days. […]

December 2018 Newsletter

Greetings from Wendy Gardner launch the December newsletter as she assumes the reins as new PNW Section President.  Wendy thanks outgoing officers and board members and introduces new.  Newsletter editor Jenni Moffitt skillfully presents articles reviewing the annual meeting in The Dalles, honoring new awardees, announcing a March 2019 grazing conference in Pendleton, OR and […]