PNW-SRM Information

2020 Officers and Directors Sought

The section is looking for nominations for two Directors and a 2nd Vice President.  If you are interested in either of these positions, please email Maura Laverty at .  The responsibilities and terms of each position follow.   Thanks for your consideration in joining our team!

Maura Laverty


Officer Responsibilities


  • The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Section. He/she shall appoint members of the Society to standing and other necessary committees and preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Section.
  • Call meetings/set agendas/official connection to the Parent Society.
  • May have several Board meetings during the winter/spring that are done via conference calls.
  • Hold Board meetings at the Summer and Fall tour/Section Meeting locations (in person or via conference call).
  • Serve on Parent Society Advisory Board.

1st VP:

  • The First Vice-President in the absence or incapacity of the President, shall discharge the duties of that office. Likewise, the Second Vice-President shall discharge the duties of the First Vice-President should that officer be absent or incapacitated.
  • Serve as President in the absence of the current President.
  • Participate in Board meetings (in person or via conference call).
  • Participate in special projects as assigned by President (help secure committee chairs as they become vacant).
  • Serve on Parent Society Advisory Board.
  • Roll up into Presidency role.

2nd VP: 

  • Participate in Board Meetings (in person or via conference call).
  • Participate in special projects as assigned by President.
  • Serve on Parent Society Advisory Board.
  • Roll up into 1stVP role.

Past President: 

  • Serve on Sections Board of Directors.
  • Head of nomination committee for Board of Directors.
  • Participate in special projects as assigned by President.

Board of Directors: 

The Board of Directors will manage the affairs of the Section in conformance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation. It shall direct the investment and care of funds of the Section; take measures to advance the interest of the Section; disseminate technical knowledge of publications, meetings, and other media; and generally direct its business. The Board shall meet at the time and place of the annual meeting of the Section, and at other times and places as it shall direct or at the call of the President.