
Burns 2023 Meeting/Tour Recap

The recent PNW Section Annual meeting and tour took place in Burns, OR on September 12-14, 2023.  It was a very successful event with over 40 people attending from CA, OR, and WA.  Here are some of the comments received:

Phil Hess wrote:

This was an outstanding event … So awesome it is hard for me to select any one portion that was a special highlight. Gene and Jamie did a terrific job of running the meeting and precisely adhering to the schedule.

Important for me was the free time to interact with others to share information, knowledge, and experiences.

The stop-by-stop “field trip geology” handout was/is extremely useful and will be a valuable reference for future adventures to the area.

Overall,  every tour stop and every conference presentation was well presented and a new learning experience for me!

I will have lasting memories of SRM in Burns!

Scott Lusk wrote:

I liked all of it! I thought the agenda timing was too tight and we wouldn’t be able to do it all. We did it all!

I liked learning about the troubles the refuge was having with Smooth Brome and Bobolink Alley

I liked the BLM Area Director’s take on the challenges of managing 17 layers on the Steens.

The sheep stop was awesome with the herder’s honesty and petting a guard dog.

Glassing for elk at the top of the Steens was fun!

Dinner was superb!

My two biggest highlights were: Carrie’s explanation of three 5,000’ lava flows at 35 mph and the Archeologist’s talk on finding human inhabitants near Riley from 18,250 years ago. I always had a funny feeling driving by there, now I know why!

Well Done!

Tom Platt wrote:

First of all, I compliment the planning committee for the recent Annual Meeting and Tour in Burns.  It was an outstanding affair.  Thanks to all of you.

 I enjoyed every minute of it, but I was particularly fascinated by the archeological find.  But, I can’t remember enough details to do a post justice.

Congratulations to the planning committee (Gene Hickman, Jamie McCormack, and Roy O’Connor) for planning and organizing a wonderful event!