Cal-Pac SRM Spring Meeting, Alturus, CA, June 23, 2022

Headquarters: Niles Hotel


9:00 Welcome

9:05 Vernal Pools and Grazing – USFS Kyle Merriam

9:40 Juniper Encroachment and Hydrology – Carlos Ochoa

10:15 Sagebrush Conservation Design, John Tull

10:50 Wildfire History and Post-Fire Grazing Recommendations David Lile 

11:25 Wild Horses and public/private partnerships Laura Snell 

Noon and Keynote – The Legendary Paul Bailey

Tour and Dinner

2:00 pm Leave Niles for Field Tour 

2:30 Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals

Ranch Security

4:00 Marie and Glenn Nader, Witcher Creek Restoration 

Riparian Restoration

6:00 pm BBQ Dinner @ Canby Fire Hall


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For more information, contact:

Laura Snell, Alturus,