Established in 2011, the James Brunner “In for the Long Haul” Award honors and remembers SRM charter member Jim Brunner, who lived to age 92. Following his service in World War II, which included the liberation of Paris, he led a distinguished career in the BLM. After retirement, Jim left the southwest and settled in Oregon where, well into his 80s, he was a strong SRM member and was beloved within the PNW.
John and Lynne Breese are of the same bolt of cloth; they are in for the long haul. Recognizing that day-to-day effort will slowly build a strong foundation, John and Lynne demonstrate that belief and philosophy with the work on their ranch, with their educational efforts, and with the SRM. The Breeses are involved with several natural resource organizations, but none as passionately as they work with SRM. We are proud to present the 1st Brunner Award to John and Lynne.