Gene Hickman is the perfect fit for the Brunner: in for the Long Haul Award!
During his 35 years with the Natural Resources Conservation Service he studied and managed rangelands across Oregon. He also raised a family and was still able to provide practical expertise to Oregon State University as an Adjunct Professor with the Rangeland Ecology and Management Department serving on graduate committees.
Since retirement Mr. Hickman Gene has been an active consultant, spending years working with Wayne Elmore doing riparian and field management planning on the Big Muddy Ranch (formerly the Rajneeshpuram property). Concurrently he is preparing grazing management allotment plans on the Green Diamond Company (formerly Weyerhaeuser Timber Co.) holdings. And if that’s not enough, Gene frequently evaluates grazing programs for ranchers applying for NRCS management incentives—his most recent effort in this arena was this fall on a rangeland sheep operation headquartered on Steens Mountain.
Clearly Gene Hickman is “in for the long haul”. Congratulations Mr. Hickman on a 55 year (and still counting) SRM Career of Excellence!