PNW-SRM Information

PNW Section Communications

PNW-SRM has a new look!

By the time you read this, the Pacific Northwest Section will have a new look and functionality for our website –

The section’s Communications Task Group has been working for the past year to modernize and update our website. The group’s main objective was to have an integrated communications platform that includes:

Carlos Ochoa, while section president, was able to obtain funding support from the SRM parent society to help with this effort.

We have contracted with Jeffers Design to implement these changes. Jeffers Design will also be available to provide any training needed.

The Pacific Northwest Section is looking for volunteers to help develop and implement and use these new communication tools!

Needs include web management, newsletter editor, social media, and other any other tasks that become apparent. Training will be provided. If you have an interest in communication, using electronic media, or helping maintain any of these communication tools, please contact any member of the PNW Communications Task Group (listed below).

PNW Communications Task Group

Bob Gillaspy:

Tom Platt:

Carlos Ochoa:

Amanda Miller:

Jordan Anderson: