SRM 2025 theme contest

By Maura Laverty
Greetings PNW section SRM members,
The section has decided to have a contest for the theme for the 2025 Spokane SRM meeting, tied
to the 2026 International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists. Short and sweet, 3 to 5 words (i.e.
Boise this year was “Rangelands Without Borders”). Rumor has it, the winning theme, which will be
voted on by the membership, will be awarded a prize!
On 15 March 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2026 the International
Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (IYRP). In this resolution, UNGA states that: “pastoralism is a
dynamic and transformative livelihood linked to the diverse ecosystems, cultures, identities,
traditional knowledge and historical experience of coexisting with nature”. It affirms that “healthy
rangelands are vital for contributing to economic growth, resilient livelihoods, and the sustainable
development of pastoralism.”
IYRP’s mission is to promote an understanding and appreciation of rangelands around the world and
the people who use them.
• To increase worldwide understanding of the importance of rangelands and pastoralists for
food security and environmental services
• To mobilize people worldwide to address today’s challenges and to grasp new opportunities in
rangelands management and pastoralism
• To boost efforts for creating new knowledge and sharing experiences and practices
• To inform decision-making at all levels, calling for enlightened policy to benefit current and
future generations
• To call attention to the need for sustainable management
• Rangelands are where humanity began
• Rangelands cover more than half (54%) of the world’s land surface (Rangelands Atlas) and
include grasslands, shrublands, woodlands, savannahs, and deserts
• Rangelands are multiple use lands
• Rangelands are a climate solution and sequester carbon
• Rangelands are critical to the livelihoods of more than 500 million people around the world
• Pastoralists have been stewards of the land for millennia
• Pastoralism is one of the most efficient ways to turn sunlight into food in marginal lands
• Pastoralists include ranchers, nomads, graziers, shepherds, and even jackaroos!
Please submit your themes to by April 15.
Thank you,
Maura Laverty