Quarterly webinar: Soil Sponge and Ecological Function
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 3 p.m. Zoom link.
Presented by Craig Madsen, CREATE Fellowship Soil Health Coach
Craig Madsen explains the Soil Sponge is a biologically active soil that is porous and well aggregated and is held together by biological glues produced by fungi, bacteria, and other soil organisms. Pores are created by worms and other soil organisms. These soil aggregates and pores are water stable and allow water to be rapidly absorbed. The stable pore space also allows for air exchange which is necessary for a biologically active soil and for efficient cycling of nutrients.
Craig has over 30 years’ experience focusing on ecosystem management issues. For the last 20 years He has owned and operated a vegetation management business using goats for managing vegetation. He has been a Certified Educator in Holistic Management since 2000. He graduated from Nicole Masters 20 week CREATE Coaching Program in April 2022. The CREATE Program was a deep dive into soil ecology, the interrelationships between plants, soil biology and ecosystem function. He is currently a CREATE Fellowship Coach.
Mark you calendar for this fall’s webinar to be presented by Tip Hudson: The Art of Range Podcast, Wednesday, October 5, 3 p.m. Zoom link.
Quarterly webinars are hosted by Washington Chapter. Would you like to present, or do you have a suggestion for a presentation? Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page.
SRM Awards: deadline for submissions has been extended to September 1. See more here.
PNW Section Annual Meeting and Tour, September 12-14 in Burns, OR.
- High desert geology
- Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and historic ranching
- Steens Mountains, : geology, sagebrush to subalpine zone ecology, wildlife, sheep grazing