Ranch raised, Land-Grant University educated, Cooperative Extension Employee, Respected Individual. These phrases depict John Williams, Wallowa Co. County Agent and County Chairperson. Mr. Williams has proved his mettle time and time again in a county known for its land and people diversity, strong opinions, beautiful scenery, sustainable ranches, and wolves!
You can bet that John Williams never gets up on any given morning bemoaning that today will be “just another day at the office!”
John Williams is an Associate Professor at Oregon State University in the Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences. He has spent 29 years as an Extension Agent for OSU…this following 15 years as an independent rancher.
He has worked with County, State, and Tribal groups on Endangered Species Act (ESA) issues concerning Snake River Salmon, as well as wolves, and has been a significant force in getting such diverse groups to find common ground in an attempt to form workable solutions!
John helped Wallowa County develop the Natural Resource Advisory Committee charged with making the best decisions possible in a county with strong and divergent views and opinions.
Mr. Williams also works with state and federal agencies on policy and resources decisions. He is considered to be a voice of reason and a font of knowledge as these thorny decisions are hammered out.
John Williams is also part of a scientific, multi-state research team studying and GPS tracking wolves to learn of their impact on the behavior of livestock. This has led to an increased knowledge and understanding of the wolves, which in turn has prompted more rational management of both the wolves and of livestock.
Mr. John Williams is always ready to help any individual with Rangeland issues, be they students or “old hands”. His work is honest and rational….and therefore well received. The PNW is proud to honor John Williams as the 2016 Trail Boss!