By Maura Laverty
Thank you for submitting Theme ideas for the 2025 SRM Meeting in Spokane. We received 16 Theme submissions, and now it is time to vote for your favorite.
Here were the guidelines:
- Short and sweet
- Tied in some way to the United Nations’s declaration of 2026 as International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists which is to promote an understanding and appreciation of rangelands around the world and the people who use them.
See the UN declaration here.
Here are the Themes PNW Section members submitted. Please vote for your favorite by May 15, 2023. Our members’ preference will guide the Board in selecting a Theme and submitting it to SRM.
- From the Soil Up
- Healthy Rangelands, Sustainable World
- Manage Rangelands, Sustain Our World
- Managing for Resilient and Sustainable Rangelands
- Rangeland and Pastoralists Adapting to Change or Climate
- Rangeland Stewards Around the World
- Rangelands — A Sea of Connections
- Rangelands Adapting to Change
- Rangelands and People
- Rangelands Around the World
- Rangelands — See all the Connections
- Resilient Rangelands Roll Me Away
- Resilient Rangelands Roll-On
- Resilient Rangelands, Traditional Knowledge, Sustainable Communities
- The Value of Healthy Rangelands
- Together for Rangelands