Spokane 2025 Email Signature
The Planning Committee for the upcoming SRM meeting in Spokane would like you to help with advertising the meeting. You can add the meeting logo
The Planning Committee for the upcoming SRM meeting in Spokane would like you to help with advertising the meeting. You can add the meeting logo
The webpage for the 2025 SRM meeting in Spokane, WA is now live. Please check it often for information and updates. Annual Meeting 2025
In August of 2023, the Gray Fire burned 10,000 acres of urban/suburban/rural interface west of Spokane, WA. Over half the Lazy R Ranch, the learning
It came as a relief when our plane finally touched down in Reno, Nevada after the flurry of planning and preparation for the 2023 Society
Clint Stonecipher (left) and rancher GPS collaring a steer that will graze larkspur infested pasture over the summer Webinar: Plants Toxic to Livestock Wednesday, February
University of Idaho is offering a two-day field course taught by Justin Trujillo (author of A Field Guide to Grasses and Grass-like Plants of Idaho)
Clint Stonecipher (left) and rancher GPS collaring a steer that will graze larkspur infested pasture over the summer Webinar: Plants Toxic to Livestock Wednesday, February
OSU Hosted – PNW Section Social Gathering Open to all. Are you going to the SRM meeting in Sparks, NV? If so, please add this
On behalf of the nominating committee, Chairman Carlos Ochoa announces: The PNW SRM election results for 2023 are in. Congratulations to our newly elected officers!
This year’s election is for one 2nd Vice President and two Directors. 2nd Vice President serves a one year term, followed by a second year
Craig Madsen teaching soil health evaluation Quarterly webinar: Soil Sponge and Ecological Function Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 3 p.m. Zoom link. Presented by Craig Madsen,
Kathy Brannon Kathryn Lois Mahrt Brannon March 15, 1940 – October 11, 2023 Kathryn Lois Mahrt Brannon was born to Evelyn and Peter Mahrt