In 1941, BS degree in hand, Jim did USFS range surveys in Idaho and Colorado. With SCS (now NRCS), he trained under Dr. Dyksterhuis to learn range sites and condition classes. After managing a Texas ranch on the Pecos River, he was with BLM in Nevada & Arizona to do land & mineral adjudication, land examinations, Cadastral surveys and planning with emphasis on environmental studies. During WWII, Jim led a cadre across the English Channel and was involved with the liberation of Paris.
Jim is a life-long scholar, innovator, lecturer and avid writer who has been recognized by USDI, OSU and SRM. Current writings and presentations include sage grouse and the vagaries of “global warming”. His “Wildlands Workers’ Handbook”, is a hands-on guide to practical rangeland projects. Jim has donated this book, its copyright, and its profit potential to PNW Section for its fundraising efforts.
Jim quietly and effectively leads and motivates. He is a living example of the spirit of the PNW. Thank you, Jim, for the example you set for us.