PNW-SRM Awards

Trail Boss Award 2010: Joe Wagner

Joe Wagner is a tireless worker for natural resources in general, and rangeland ecology in particular. His dedication to the land resources extends beyond this region, to the nation, and indeed to the world as he travels the globe on rangeland education safaris. He brings rangeland experts to his local area for the continuing education of co-workers and clientele. Within SRM, Joe has assisted three international SRM annual meetings (Hawaii, Vancouver & Spokane), served as PNW President and chair of various committees. He has a near perfect attendance record at SRM parent society and section activities.

Humble and personable, Joe is a friend to all. One exception to his modest demeanor is the broad smile he flashes when asked about the lovely young Chinese women who asked to pose with him on the Great Wall of China. In characteristic modesty, he will say, “they saw my mustache and thought I was a cowboy”. Joe, you are an excellent range person, a dedicated professional, and a good friend. We are proud to honor you.