He has championed the capture, store, and beneficial release philosophy that guides the most experienced professionals in the discipline as well as the novice just getting insights into the many facets of watershed sciences. His in-depth understanding of watersheds, coupled with knowledge of people, skill at teaching, practical orientation, cowboy experiences, diplomat attitude, and total integrity result in a unique leader that has been an extraordinary positive force in directing the use and preservation of Pacific Northwest rangeland resources. Few people understand their discipline well enough to integrate all aspects into a universally understandable simile like capture, store, and beneficial release!
Dr. Buckhouse fully demonstrated his superb skills of leadership for range management during his tenure as President of the Society for Range Management. Few of our presidents have taken office during a more controversial time. He quickly assessed the problem and developed an action program that prevented a serious weakening of the SRM. He truly was the right man at the right time. By keeping his philosophy intact that the land must be served to serve the people, he brought all of us together, resolved the internal conflicts and left SRM healthy when he completed his Presidency. What an exceptional individual.
Dr. Buckhouse has frequently used the metaphor that we success by “standing on the shoulders of giants” in reference to his and our heroes in the profession. His father who was one of the pioneer range managers in the Forest Service would be proud of the true giant his son has become. Everyone in SRM is better because of the creativity, intelligence, empathy, and hard work that has vitalized Dr. Buckhouse’s career. He fully deserves our highest recognition.