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Agenda, September 29, 2022

  1. Annual Meeting To Do tasks and supply needs. Please add items here.
  2. 4th Quarter Presentation publicity
  3. Action to appoint Don Llewellyn Treasurer when Craig is elected president
  4. What else?

Agenda, September 1, 2022

  1. Annual Meeting To Do tasks. Please select some tasks here, and add others that I’ve overlooked.
  2. 4th Quarterly presentation, BLM Grazing History, Ken Visser??
  3. WA Chapter meeting and election of Directors, November 3, 7:30 p.m.
  4. What else?

Agenda, August 4, 2022

  1. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports
  2. Fall Meeting and Tour
    • Final schedule
    • Call for posters/presentations: Hannah and Ken
    • Presentation management
    • Guests
    • Meals, Craig
    • Students
    • Budget and registration fee
    • Flier and advertising
    • Registration
    • Porta Potties
    • Snacks
    • Incidentals
    • AV Equipment
    • What else?
  3. Nominating Committee Report, Doug and Craig
  4. SRM WA fall meeting and elections
  5. What else?

Agenda, July 7, 2022

  1. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports
  2. Fall Meeting and Tour
    • Quotes for charter bus
    • Quotes for catered and take out meals.  Would one of you take this on?  Catered meal for the banquet, and some kind of grocery store takeout for the social, tour lunch, and eat as you go lunch on Friday.
    • Develop announcement for student presentations and posters.  I think we should switch the student presentations to Wednesday at the social, and have the EWU faculty presentation on Thursday, perhaps history and preview of EWU’s prairie restoration project which we will visit on Friday.  Will one of you develop a Request for presentations and posters?
    • Finalize budget, registration, flier.  Thanks for your work so far, Ken.
    • Publicity, publicity, publicity…..
  3. Nominating committee report.  Doug and Craig. August 15 deadline.
  4. Continuation of strategic planning.  Doug and Craig.
  5. What else?

Agenda, June 2, 2022

  1. Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports
  2. Continuation of the boards strategic planning process.  See notes from our first session here.
  3. Followup planning and action on the Fall meeting
    • Budget
    • Publicity
    • Student presentations
    • Tour bus and stops
    • Facilities and meals
    • Lunches
    • Speakers
  4. Nominating committee for fall elections
  5. Quarterly presentations
  6. Other items?

Agenda:  SRM WA Board Meeting May 5, 2022 (postponed from 4/7/22 meeting)

When: Wednesday afternoon, October 5 through Friday lunch, October 7, 2022

Where: Cheney WA area


Wednesday, October 5

Thursday, October 6

Friday, October 7

Next steps? Transportation, lodging, bus speakers, meeting facilities, budget, flier and publicity (Ken)

April 7, 2022 postponed

March 3, 2022

Agenda for 3/3/22 4 p.m. Board meeting is being developed now. Items so far are:

February 3, 2022 (special meeting)


January 6, 2022


Download iCalendar (.ics) files to add to your calendar.

Need help or have ideas? Contact Tom Platt, , or drop a note in our Suggestion Box.