Welcome Members

Membership Information

Anyone with an interest in rangelands is welcome to join the Society.

Membership is open to anyone engaged in or interested in any aspect of the study, management, or use of rangelands, and includes the following rights and privileges: voting, committee service, nomination and election to offices, access to society journals.

How to Join
Register for the Following

Membership Categories


Basic individual membership in SRM.


Full-time students (high school through graduate school). Not eligible to hold office.


Institutions or other entities not organized for profit (i.e., Universities, Indian Tribes, Livestock Associations). Must designate a representative who will not be eligible to hold elective office. Listed as “institutional” member in Society publications.


Individuals of the same household desiring more than one membership. Families receive only one subscription, but each member retains all rights and privileges as a regular member.


Verified students who have ended course of study. Can maintain for two years, but must succeed to a different class of membership in third calendar year. Not eligible to hold office.


Become a lifetime SRM member by paying one payment and being a part of our section for life.


Individuals wishing to make an additional contribution to the Society beyond membership. Listed as a “sustaining” member in Society publications.


Businesses, individuals, proprietorships or other entities organized for profit. Must designate a representative. Listed as a “commercial” member in Society publications.

Not in the Pacific Northwest?

The Society for Range Management is divided into 22 Sections with one Unsectioned category. If you live within one of the Sections, you can register in one of the membership categories for that Section.
Membership Bylaws

PNW-SRM Bylaws

Section Bylaws

PNW Section Bylaws as amended 9/15/22. Use the button to download a PDF of the bylaws

Amendment vote

Eight changes to the Bylaws were approved by the membership by the required 2/3 majority vote ending on September 15, 2022.

Meeting Reports

Business of the Board and Membership